Pipette calibration: What changes with the new ISO 8655-6: 2022?
Gibertini provides the ACCREDIA Accredited calibration service for Pipettes and Mocrodosers According to the new ISO 8655-6:2022
The new ISO 8655-6:2022 standard ( 23 June 2022 ) specifies: - the metrological requirements - the maximum possible error - the information to be provided to users for single-channel or multi-channel pipettes, both air displacement (type A) and with positive displacement (type D), complete with selected tips and any other consumable part, indicated to guarantee the delivered volume.
What changes with the new ISO 8655-6: 2022?
By resolution of 21/10/2022 ACCREDIA approved the extension of our accreditation LAT094 for the calibration of pipettes and micropipettes with the new iso 8655-6: 2022 standard (Gibertini was among the first accredited LAT Centers for pipette calibration since from the publication of the previous ISO 8655)
Databases - Accredia - Calibration laboratoriesWhat does our new Calibration service offer?
With the transition to the new ISO standard and the extension of ACCREDIA LAT094 accreditation, Gibertini has improved its procedures to provide a complete and traceable pipette calibration service.
For the best completeness of data and information and for ease of interpretation, in compliance with the standard, the new pipette calibration certificate will provide :